

Solubility and performance tables of Zhongxing Oil-soluble Metal complexing dye

Product Name Solubility(g/L) Fastness
Methyl Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol Isopropyl Alcohol DAA N-Butyl Alcohol Ethyl Acetate Tolueno Xylence Butanone MIBK Ethocel Cyclohexanone Light resistance Heat resistance Acid resistance Alkali resistance
Yellow8801 450 500 410 470 500 400 500 450 500 500 500 500 5~6 A A A
Yellow6801 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 6~7 A A A
Yellow8801C 180 300 500 450 200 150 - - 350 350 500 500 6~7 A A A
Yellow8802 400 300 500 400 500 500 500 400 500 500 490 500 6~7 A A A
Red8803A 70 60 440 90 20 500 170 50 470 400 500 500 6~7 A A A
Red8803B 410 400 370 100 380 470 - - 480 410 500 500 6~7 A A A
Red8804 60 - - - - 60 - - 500 500 500 500 6~7 A A A
Red8805A 450 450 470 130 400 470 65 45 500 500 500 500 5~6 A A A
Red8805B 500 500 500 150 500 500 - 80 500 500 450 500 7~8 A A A
Red8806 470 430 400 80 470 400 - - 450 500 460 350 6~7 A A A
Pink8807A 200 - 20 70 200 100 - - 480 450 200 500 2~3 B C B
Pink8807B 5 - 10 120 120 40 10 - 100 180 470 200 4~5 A B B
Orange8808 180 90 90 - 40 200 100 200 480 120 500 330 6~7 A A A
Orange8809 500 460 340 120 380 480 500 130 500 330 500 500 5~6 A A A
Orange8810 180 490 170 140 300 470 - - 500 450 350 500 5~6 A A A
Blue8811 500 190 - 320 - 10 30 - - 380 170 - 3~4 B B B
Blue8812 330 260 230 - 170 210 280 180 360 - 490 150 5~6 B A A
Black8814A 190 370 130 170 380 500 30 - 470 180 460 490 5~6 A A A
Black8814B 310 300 180 170 230 390 - - 500 400 400 500 7~8 A A A
Black8815 160 260 40 130 150 500 50 - 440 440 490 480 6~7 A A A
Green8816 200 100 200 400 250 300 300 300 400 400 50 350 4~5 B A A
Brown8817A 450 380 320 140 360 500 440 380 500 310 440 500 5~6 A A A
Brown8817B 440 370 340 290 380 500 460 380 450 440 200 470 5~6 A A A
Yellow8818 150 150 150 200 150 300 120 - 400 400 500 500 2~3 B A A
Pink8819 150 150 200 - 200 - 200 - 400 450 300 500 5~6 A A A
Red8820 - 300 - - 300 350 - - 400 - 400 350 2~3 B A A
Red8821 - 280 - 350 120 400 - 200 350 420 330 450 7~8 A A A
Violet8822 220 120 - 280 - - - - - - 430 380 3~4 B B B
Violet8823 300 180 230 - 190 180 260 - 160 390   420 5~6 B A A
Blue 8826 140 152 165 130 150 100 150 150 400 400 400 400 4~5 B B B
Red 8827 180 170 200 230 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 6~7 A A A
Black 8829 300 500 700 500 440 420 60 30 680 520 480 550 6~7 A A A
Yellow8830 500 500 500 500 400 350 300 300 500 500 500 500 6~7 A A A
Blue 8834 250 250 250 500 250 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 7~8 A A A
Blue 8835 150 250 500 500 - 50 250 250 400 150 150 450 7~8 A A A
Fastness test method:
Light: the Standard blue Scale as the reference Standard.
Heat: use the automatic constant temperature dryer in 180 ℃ minutes.
Acid: 1% - H2SO4 solution impregnation 24 hours a day
Alkali: 1% NaOH solution impregnation 24 hours a day
Note: the symbol standard specification of patience
A: good (no change) B: (no change) C: poor (slightly)
Solubility test method:
1, take 20 dye, with 40 solvent, seal, quiet place overnight
2, then the mixing and filter paper with oven drying weighing 50 ℃.
3, net weight and the dyes on the filter paper, its solubility calculation method is as follows:
20-40 x/x 1000 = solubility (gm/kg) (x: the total weight of the dye of net weight = filtered filter paper - filter paper weight)
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